12 Tips for Eyeshadow

Eye Shadow - Top 12 Tips On How To Apply It Perfectly

Your makeup is as important to your finished look as the clothing you wear, in fact, it can actually be more important. We've all spotted women who didn't have a clue how to apply their eye shadow. But we've also saw women who know how to apply it properly and they look put together and beautiful. Don't you want to be one of those women? Of course - and we are going to give you some top tips so you can do just that.

Great news - putting your eye shadow on correctly really isn't difficult at all. It really is just a matter of finding the right technique and look for you and your personal style. Don't worry if it takes a few tries to get it right. Check out these tips:

Always apply a base coat on your eyes just as you do to the rest of your face. Loose power works or you can apply your foundation to the eye area. It gives a nice even palette to work with.

Blend, blend, and then blend some more. I can't stress this enough. Try an experiment. Blend one eye and then just use a brush and apply the other eye. You'll instantly know what I'm talking about and you'll never forget to blend again.

If you want dramatic eyes, take your eye shadow brush, dip it into water, and then into the shadow, then apply. It will give you a much deeper, dramatic color.